Our experience at Clearview Skylights extends beyond helping you design the skylight solution fit for your space – our team is equipped with certified trades experience in carpentry, roof plumbing, painting and electrical so your renovation transformation can be done right, from the start.
A renovation partnership with Clearview Skylights not only welcomes the opportunity to bring the beauty of natural light inside your space with skylight solutions but also draws on the extensive trades experience within our team.
Our team demonstrates credibility in carpentry, roof plumbing, painting, building and electrical to provide additional peace of mind that your renovation will be brought to life with the vision, compliance and craftsmanship you’d expect from a team with 30 years of experience.
Clearview Skylights brings these two critical elements together so your transformation can run as smoothly as possible, with the end result you’ve been dreaming of.
A partnership with Clearview Skylights for your skylight installation is a partnership with the installer who manages the whole job from start to finish, ensuring every detail is given the careful attention it deserves for functional and aesthetic excellence.
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Ready to take the next step and brighten your world?
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*A quote service call-out fee may apply for some suburbs within Western Australia.
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Open Monday to Friday 9AM – 4PM, book your tour or drop in to our Wangara showroom to see the range for yourself!
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